Portals, Intranets, Websites, E-commerce and Product Information Management
We are a software engineering company formed by an experienced team of engineers. We develop systems and perform integrations between existing platforms, seeking to find effective solutions for each client.
We create innovative, elegant and intuitive solutions directed to the needs of different users while monetizing the management process and decision support.
We improve the existing management tools gathering in a single portal all the information, graphics and data interconnection
Our answer to the challenges proposed are based in open source technologies, without licenses and excessive costs, very reliable and scalable. Also because we have the support of a large community in which we are active members (Drupal)
An experienced team, effective and motivated oriented towards solving problems and challenges
Custom Intranet Web sites in Drupal and Wordpress
Responsive Web Design, Android, iOS, PhoneGap
Platform E-Commerce, Product Information Management
Big Data Management (Tracking Sensor)
Drupal, MariaDB, MySQL, Wordpress
Project Management, Transparency, Pro-activity, Troubleshooting
BPnet Portal | Portugal's Central Bank
The Portal is an electronic communication system that aims to connect the Bank of Portugal with other finance entities, based on infrastructure and services, provided and managed by the Central Bank of Portugal. The access points for the entities are predetermined and contracted.
developed in Drupal
Enterprise Social Network | Altice Labs
We created an internal portal that aggregates all the information, formerly spread across several systems, relevant for a specific user, Namely, Human Resources, Task Management, Blogs, institutional News, among others. The information is indexed and contextualized in order to facilitate people search and related content.
developed in Drupal
Websites channel Art TV | Art Channel TV
Evolutionary Maintenance of the Platform of ARTE TV channel that covers the various sites of the group. All management of multimedia content for each channel in a simple and intuitive back office interface.
developed in Drupal
Poker Speak App | Pictonio
App for data collection in poker live tournaments through voice recognition.The project's goal is to collect all the information of a live Tournament Poker and provide this information in real time, through a mobile application.
developed for Android
Front Office and Intranet | TICE
The platform brings together diverse information relevant to its members (particularly of Braga, Porto, Coimbra and Lisbon areas). It covers the entire value chain of TICE areas, ensuring and promoting the interfaces of the academic world - universities, I&D institutes - and the business world.
developed in Drupal
Press Club - Unified Digital Publications Management Platform
The PressClub project aims to create a new digital platform for the Media Industry that allows taking advantage of new models for accessing, creating, sharing and marketing digital content.
It is an R&D project in Coproduction between Pictonio and the University of Beira Interior. Co-financed by PT2020, operational program of the Centro Region.
in development
© Pictonio 2016